The minor in Theories and Politics of Sexuality requires 18 hours of approved coursework including either WST 3603, Sexualities Studies, or ENG 4844, Queer Theory. The remaining 15 hours must be drawn from the Women’s Studies “TPS” approved electives. See“Courses” page for listings each semester. Students may count WST 2611 or WST 2612 towards the minor; all other courses must be at the 3000 level or above. No more than 3 hours of independent study or internship will count toward the minor. All courses must be passed with a grade of “C” or better. Six transfer credits may be applied. Nine credits may count toward both the minor and a major in another program.
Use the TPS Minor Progress to Degree Worksheet (PDF) to plan your movement through the minor. Some of the courses regularly offered include:
- AML 4282 Studies of American Genders and Sexualities in American Literature and Culture
- ANT 3302 Sex Roles: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
- ANT 4366 Family, Gender, and Population in China
- AMH 4312 History of Sexualities
- EUH 4145 Human Nature and Gender, 1350-1650
- EUH 4610 Society and the Sexes in Modern Europe, 18th Century- Present
- HIS 3467 Science, Sex, and Race
- LIT 4930 Early LGBT Literatures
- REL 4219 Gender and Genesis
- SYO 4808 Reproduction and Gender
- SYD 4820 Men and Masculinities
- SYP 4060 Sociology of Human Sexuality WST 4930 Gender and Genesis
- WST 4641 Lesbian and Gay Studies
Please complete the official application to “Add a Minor” form which is available in the Registrar’s Forms Page. If you are currently a Liberal Arts major, complete the form and return it to Acadmic Advising Center (AAC). If you are in another college, please have your college advisor sign the form and then return it to AAC.