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Spring 2022


The following courses are graduate seminars offered in the Center. They are available to graduate students in the Center and those students working on certificates. Please also see this link for a complete listing of approved graduate electives offered outside the center.


Anita Anantharam
WST 6348-Section 6348, Class # 29996
T 6-8, Ustler 108, 3 credits

Ecofeminism focuses on Western tradition’s naturalization of women and feminization of nature, drawing the conclusion that the domination of women and the domination of nature are intimately connected and mutually reinforcing. This hypothesized connection of women and nature oppressions gives rise to a common formative structure of “othering” shared by women, animals, nature, people of color and ethnically colonized groups. The course surveys ecofeminist theories, exploring the links between ecological values, principles, activism, and feminisms. Spiritual, philosophical, and activist perspectives are examined through interdisciplinary lens.

The syllabus can be found here.

Advanced Feminist Theory

Hina Shaikh
WST6508-Section 6508 – Class # 18150
W 6-8; Ustler 108, 3 Credits

Contemporary theory with focus on common themes among academic disciplines. Since feminist theory is by its very nature interdisciplinary, this course is designed to acquaint students with some foundational feminist theory–in primary texts–across the disciplines: philosophy, art history, literary studies, sociology, anthropology, the sciences. By foundational” I mean feminist thought which has been influential in shaping academic feminist scholarship since the so-called “second wave” of United States and European feminism, beginning (roughly) in the late 1940s and moving up to the present. Simone de Beauvoir, Judith Butler, Whitney Chadwick, Janice Radway, Nancy Hartsock, bell hooks, Jane Gallop, Gayatri Spivak, Patricia Williams, Pat Hill Collins, Gayle Rubin will be some of the individuals discussed in the course. Course requirements include one 25-30 page final paper, 8 response papers, and one short presentation.

The syllabus can be found here.

Independent Study

Kendal L Broad-Wright
WST 6905-Section Departmentally Controlled
Variable Credits

Prerequisite: Permission of instructor and department chair and 1 Women’s Studies course or course that counts for women’s studies, For advanced graduate students who desire to supplement their regular courses by independent reading or research under guidance. On-line application.

Feminist Political Economy

Aida A. Hozic
WST 6935-Section 69AH – Class # 18152
F8-10, 105 Classroom, Bu0224, 3 Credits

This course introduces students to the key concepts of feminist political economy, a vibrant field of economic analysis, grass-roots activism, and policy-making. The structure of the course lays bare the distinction between feminist political economy and gendered political economy, enabling students to acquire analytical tools for gender-sensitive policy work but also to reflect critically on their use. Throughout the semester we will explore tensions between feminist interventions that seek to recast the roles and positions of gendered and racialized subjects in economic thought and in the global political economy – and gender-informed policies which increasingly view women as significant contributors to economic activity yet remain wedded to the existing frameworks of its analysis.

The syllabus can be found here.


Kendal L. Broad-Wright
WST 6946-Section Departmentally Controlled
Variable Credits

Prerequisite: Permission of Graduate Coordinator. Designed for students desiring practical experience in the community. International students must check with the University of Florida International Center about eligibility for internship before enrollment. Students intern with a local agency, group or business involved in women’s issues. Click here for more information and an on-line application.

Master’s Research

Kendal L. Broad-Wright
WST 6971- Section Departmentally Controlled
Variable Credits