We appreciate the generosity of our donors at all levels. For those thinking of a significant gift, we have some suggestions:
> $250
Garden walk pavers for the Yardley Garden (honor a recent graduate or teacher).
> $500-$1000
Send a student to a regional or national meeting, or fund a student’s research trip.
> $1000
Inscription for an existing bench in Yardley Garden in honor of a friend or loved one.
> $2000
A bench in Ustler Hall in honor of a friend or loved one, with an inscribed plaque.
> $5000
Sponsor a major named lecture (one time event).
> $5000
Support faculty research for the summer (Faculty Summer Research Fellowship).
> $10,000
Inscription on the Yardley Wall.
For majors gifts and other naming opportunities, please contact Christy Popwell, Director of Development, CLAS: (352) 392-1964 or cpopwell@ufl.edu.