The Center co-sponsored many events this academic year. For complete list of co-sponsorships, see events calendar on our website
- “The Problem with Diversity and Inclusion” was held on October 13th, 2021. The event featured, Dr. Chanda Prescod-Weinstein, and examined interdisciplinary perspective in the evolution of diversity and inclusion as a legal and institutional concept. It was sponsored by the Marston Science Library.
- Events in the “Rethinking the Public Sphere” by the Center for Humanities and the Public Sphere:
- “Policing the Womb: Invisible Women & the Criminalization of Motherhood” held on October 14th, 2021, featuring Professor and author Michele Bratcher Goodwin, UC Irvine.
- “Topple: Reimaging Monuments,” was held on November 4th, featuring Monument Lab Director and Co-Founder Paul Farber, who shared insights on the reckoning and reimaging of our nation’s monuments.
- “Preserving Galaxy of Black Landmarks is an Act of Racial Justice” was held on February 11, 2022. Brent Leggs, Executive Director of African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund, spoke about how preserving America’s shared culture, pride and heritage is an act of racial justice.
- “Co-Creating Knowledge: Collaboration and Change,” held on March 4th, featured Dr. Joy Connolly, President of the American Council of Learned Societies and an American scholar of classics. Focusing on the humanities and social sciences, Dr. Connolly discussed ongoing challenges to innovation and possible implications of changes in scholarly method and publication for the future organization of the American college.
- “Latin America Writes Back 2.0: Political and Environmental Crisis in Science Fiction” was a workshop featuring Latin American Scholars and authors in the growing field of Latin American science fiction studies. Held on October 21-23, 2021. This event was sponsored by UF Imaging Climate Change (ICC).
- “Snakes on the Dance Floor: Bollywood Divas and Gay Indian Nightlife” was held on November 8th, 2021, organized by Dr. Jillian Hernandez. The event was a book talk by Dr. Kareem Khubshandani, Mellon Bridge Assistant Professor at Tufts University.
- “Women’s Entrepreneurship Summit,” a celebration of women’s empowerment, was held on March 25th and sponsored by the UF Warrington College of Business.
- “The Power of Play: Bodies, Justice & Technology Series,” was organized by Dr. Manoucheka Celeste and invited participants to take seriously the possibilities of play through body utilization and technology. The series included the following events:
- “Bodies, Art and Protest: Puerto Rican Feminists’ Disruptive Performances” held on April 5th, featuring Dr. Noralis Rodriguez-Coss, Gonzago University, examined Puerto Rican feminist activism, public protest, and global perspectives on gender and transnational feminism.
- “Black Digital Praxis: Intersectional Tech and Black Life Online,” held on April 12th, featuring Dr. Kishonna Gray, University of Kentucky, explored gaming as a medium often outside conversations on Blackness and digital praxis.
- “Performing Resilience/For the Birds,” a live performance/conversation with artists and collaborators Meghen Moe Beitiks and Kenya Robinson, was held on April 14th and sponsored by UF Imagining Climate Change (ICC).
- “Labor, Love , and Homecoming: Toward a Trans-Asian and Global-Cultural Sisterhood,” a symposium with Professor Zhen Zhang, New York University, was held April 14-15 and sponsored by the UF International Center.
- “Married Women and the Law in Britain, North America, and the Common Law World,” the 2022 Conference on Coverture was held on May 6-7 and sponsored by the College of Law, UF Law’s Center for Governmental Responsibility
- “Why we Lost the Sex Wars: Sexual Freedom in the #MeToo Era,” a book talk by author Dr. Lorna Bracewell, a UF alum and Women’s Studies graduate certificate holder, who is an Assistant Professor at Flagler College, was held on June 4th at the Civic Media Center.
This story appears in the Spring 2022 issue of the Gender, Sexualities, & Women’s Studies Newsletter. Read more from the issue.