In addition to courses with the WST prefix, pre-approved courses from other departments are listed below. Other courses may be considered for Women’s Studies credit via petition. For more information on the petition process, contact the undergraduate coordinator at undergrad@wst.ufl.edu.
Majors may count any two approved 2000-level classes towards the WMS major. Only WST 2322, 2611, or 2612, and select IDS 2935 sections count towards the WMS minor; only WST 2611 or 2612 and select IDS 2935 count towards the TPS minor.
NOTE that the Letters in parenthesis indicate whether the class fills the Humanities (HUM) or Social Science (SS) distribution requirement in the WST General Concentration for majors with a catalog year of 2022 or earlier. They do NOT indicate whether or how a course counts for Gen Ed requirements. Additional letters in parenthesis reflect Health Equity and Social Justice (HESJ), Gender and Science (G&S), Race, Power, and Social Justice (RPSJ), Theories and Politics of Sexuality (TPS), and International Perspectives on Gender (IPG).
Please note that course offerings are subject to change.
- ANT 2301 Human Sexuality and Culture (SS/Category B, TPS, IPG) Note that this class counts for majors but not minors.
Health Education and Behavior
Note: Students outside of the College of Health and Human Performance cannot register directly for Health Education and Behavior classes. Instead, please request a spot using this form.
- HSC 4133 Human Sexuality Education (SS/G&S, TPS, HESJ)
- HSC 4579 Women’s Health Issues (SS/G&S, HESJ)
Political Science
- PUP 3323 Women in Politics (SS/G&S)
- CLP 4110 Eating Disorders (SS/G&S, HESJ)
Interdisciplinary Studies
- IDS 2935 Women Changing Society Music (HUM)
Sociology, Criminology, and Law
Please note that Sociology restricts access to most courses to their majors only during advanced registration.
- SYG 2430 Marriage and the Family (SS) This counts for majors but not minors
- SYD 3805 Gender and Health (SS/G&S, HESJ)
- SYD4800 Sociology of Gender (SS/G&S, TPS)
- SYP4060 Sociology of Human Sexuality (SS/G&S, TPS, HESJ)
- RTV 3411 Race, Gender, and Class in Media (SS)