Outside Courses Fall 2021
Other courses may be considered for Women’s Studies credit via petition. For more information on the petition process, contact the CGSWR office, 201 Ustler Hall at: (352) 392-3365 or email
Majors may count any one 2000-level class towards the WMS major. Only WST 2322, 2611, or 2612, and select IDS 2935 sections count towards the WMS minor; only WST2611 or 2612 and select IDS 2935 sections count towards the TPS minor.
NOTE that the Letters in parenthesis indicate whether the class fills the Humanities (HUM) or Social Science (SS) distribution requirement in the WST General Concentration. They do NOT indicate whether or how a course counts for Gen Ed requirements. Additional abbreviations indicate Gender and Science (G&S), Theories and Politics of Sexuality (TPS), and International Perspectives on Gender (IPG).
Please note: Course offerings are subject to change.
- ANT 2301 Human Sexuality and Culture (SS, TPS, IPG) (this class counts toward the WMS major, and not toward a minor)
- ENG 4134 Women and Film: Women in French Cinema (HUM, IPG)
- ENG 4936 Honors Seminar: Women in/of Science Fiction (HUM)
- LIT 4194 African Literature in English: Race/Gender/Sex African Lit (HUM, IPG)
Dial Center for Written and Oral Communication
- COM 4930 Queer Communication (HUM/SS, TPS)
Health Education and Behavior
Note: Students outside of the College of Health and Human Performance cannot register directly for Health Education and Behavior classes. Instead, you must email HHP Academic Advisor Ms. Erica Alexander and ask to be enrolled. State that you are enrolled in the WMS major or minor and tell her your UF ID number and the course number for which you wish to be enrolled.
- HSC 4133 Human Sexuality Education (SS/G&S, TPS)
- AMH 3931 – Special Topics in American History: Women’s History (HUM)
- ASH 3931 – Special Topics in Asian History: Women & Gender Modern Asia (HUM, IPG)
Jewish Studies
- JST3930 Special Topics: Gender and the Hebrew Bible (HUM, IPG)
Languages, Literatures, & Cultures
- ARA 3510 The Arab Woman (HUM, IPG)
- JPT 3140 Modern Women Writers
Latin American Studies
- LAS 3930 Special Topics: Introduction to Gender & Sexuality in Latin America (HUM/SS, IPG)
- PHI 4930 Philosophy of Sex and Gender (HUM, TPS)
Political Science
- INR 4931 Special topics: Gender and Development (SS, IPG)
- INR 4931 Special topics: Women and World Politics (SS, IPG)
- CLP 4110 Eating Disorders (SS/G&S)
- SOP 4777 Psychology of Human Sexuality (SS/G&S, TPS)
- IDS2935 Dance, Race, Gender (HUM)
- IDS2935 How to be a Social Justice Activist (SS, TPS) (this class is open to all students, even if you don’t need a Quest course)
- IDS2935 Writing Life; Art, Drama, Film, Literature, Poetry, and You (HUM)
- REL3291 Gender and the Hebrew Bible (HUM, IPG)
- SYP 4060 Sociology of Human Sexuality (SS, TPS)
- SYG 2420 Marriage and Family (SS, TPS) (this class counts toward the WMS major, and not toward a minor)
- SYD 4820 Men and Masculinities (SS, TPS)
- RTV 3411 Race, Gender, and Class in Media (SS)
Writing Program
- ENC 3254 (Class #12837 only) Professional Writing in Women’s Studies (HUM, GR6000)